HP AviStart replaces meat and bone meal to move to all-veg diets

5% inclusion of HP AviStart day 0-14 and 3% inclusion of meat and bone meal (MBM) day 0-56 result in equal performance. Trial results indicate that HP AviStart is the best vegetable protein alternative to MBM in broiler chicken diets.


To show that 5% inclusion of HP AviStart is the vegetable protein source of choice when replacing meat and bone meal (MBM) in starter diets for broiler chickens.


• In starter diets balanced to be iso-nitrogenous on digestible AAs, use of HP AviStart at 5% inclusion both secure AAs to meet requirements while reducing the amount of SBM-delivered ANFs as not achieved by other vegetable protein sources (table 1).
• HP AviStart results in equally good performance as MBM evident by no significant difference in BWG and FCR between HP AviStart and MBM at the three significant market ages day 35, 42 and 56 (figure 1 and 2).
• HP AviStart numerically improved BWG by 90 and 110g compared to CGM and DDGs day 0-56 (figure 1).
• ROI improves by 35.07 and 3.34 US$ when including HP AviStart in starter diets compared to CGM and DDGs, respectively.

• The 3% inclusion rate of alternative protein sources is due to inconsistent product quality (e.g. fiber content and mineral content), and risk of footpad dermatitis and necrotic enteritis. Risks that are decreased with a 5% minimum inclusion of HP AviStart.


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